Friday, October 30, 2009

Caitlin's Vocabularies - Part Duex

Here's another set of Caitlin's vocabularies:

Boat - boot
Dance - daes
Elmo (of Sesame Street) - emo
Good morning - mininin
Happy Birthday - hapititi
Lipstick - thipst
Lola - umtah
Lubot - bthuth or butut
Nips (Pinoy M&M) - niths
Pencil - pitis
Peanut - meynan
Powder (any) - bati
Tita Joy - titatut
Tita Leah (improved version) - titatat

As of this writing, she talks a lot and not even her mom cannot keep up with her linguistic skills.

Here's the first part of this article.

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