Sunday, February 22, 2009

Playing with Water - Learning not to drink pool water

Last December, while waiting for the rain to stop Caitlin was having her rare tantrum. So I took her outside the house and let her play with the water flowing on the busted roof gutter (there are several plastic containers spread around the garage as a water catch).

I remember the water was quite cold and it was also windy. Kristine was trying to stop me from taking our kid out because she might catch colds (or her colds might get worse, I can't remember). But Kristine normally wants our daughter to stay inside if it's raining or chilly outside.

I let Caitlin dipped her feet on the water in the container; sometimes I would let her legs catch the water from the gutter. She loved it. The reason for doing this is because I also grew up loving the rain (back in college, I was still playing with my cousins outside the house when it was raining hard) and I want her to experience growing up with nature.

And 2 weeks ago, I brought Caitlin in the pool side. There is an area for kids and I had Caitlin played there (attended, of course). I tried not to force her to go to the deeper area. Instead, I let her get a feel of the water. Then, after 2 minutes or so, I would bring her deeper. The deepest is (Caitlin's) chest-deep. After 10 minutes of letting get the hang of the pool, I just saw her trying to drink the pool water (imagine a Pelican swooping with its bill down ready to catch a fish in the water) - she did this twice, and twice I caught her before she could actually drink the pool water. I guess she mistaken it as a big drinking pool.

Once she was comfy in the pool, I would drag her around with her whole body floating. She just loved it! Sadly, I didn't have the camera with me.

I don't know if kids who show love o f the water means they will also like to learn how to swim when they grow up. But I am excited to bring Caitlin to the Guinlajon area to swim on the river and visit the falls with me and Kristine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think caitlin will be a natural water lover!!! you can teach her to swim already! go for it bes!- SGF