Monday, September 10, 2007

Married to Doc

When I brought Tin in the hospital, I wasn't alarmed about her situation. I guess it was because of the fact that I know her friends (I couldn't argue with her about her pregnancy since she knows more than I do). When she was rolled to the labor room, I just stayed for a while and left her to the care of her doctor friends.

When I wanted to stop the docs from pressing her gut to squeeze out our baby, I realized that I am dealing with professionals and I am not the expert on that room. I had to trust them that they knew what they were doing. Of course, it was more of my imagination than the skills of the docs that attended her. It was a learning experience and I admire my wife to have the guts to cut someone else's gut and the blood is all over.

They are a sweet bunch! Though when they start talking about medical goblydooks, I just stay on the corner and try to understand the cryptic language they use. Lately, I get to pick out some familiar terms but I am still a foreigner in her field (for some reason, medical industry likes words that run out of vowels).

I do find her field interesting and quite technical as well, and the sakes are higher (which I am not comfy with). But my wife, she just takes it in stride!

These are some pictures of the docs who visited her after she delivered our baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello MM & Christine, Congradulation on your beutiful baby girl, thanks for the photo's and please say hello from the both of us. Take care. Tito Ron