Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Attack of the Mosquitoes

Last night, I had my daughter sleep beside me. I thought that with windows closed, mosquitoes couldn't go hunting. I was horribly wrong - one window wasn't closed at all, and I thought it was.

From time to time, I would get up and swing the mosquito racket against the air just to check if I would catch a mosquito or not (I did, more than 20 of them). At first, I caught 5 and I thought that was a reasonable number that stayed in the room after I closed the window. Then I noticed a couple of boggies (airforce parlance for enemy planes) passed above my face while reading WSJ. So I put down the papers and search for the boggies; I found them and caught them.

So I went back reading the papers. And I saw another couple of mosquitoes... not two, three of them... And this went one for the next couple of hours. Around 12am, that's the only time I realized that we are under attack and the perimeter was breached (actually left open).

So I simply closed the window and sanitized the area. One or two survived because before we went to sleep, KT's face had around 5 hits from the mosquitoes. When we woke up, her right eyelid is swollen and her forehead is all red.

Next time - double-check and triple-check!!! Or simply let her sleep in the crib with mosquite net installed....

My wife will surely kill me for this when she sees our baby...

Epilogue: In the morning, my mom told me that parents normally learn the hardware. And she reminded me that we have a mosquito net with us that she was hoping I installed it last night. Now I remember!


Unknown said...

just when i thought you're a full grown daddee, gee she's no longer one of your G.I.Jane dolls, look at what u did to her cutie little face. my goodness. i don't think it's only your wife who will kill you. hekhekhek. if i was there, tinanggulong ta man ikaw, kaluoy man san face ni KT

Mark said...

hey richard a review for you
richard marcinko