Saturday, September 30, 2006

Wedding Jitters 2


Monday, September 11, 2006

Wedding Jitters

We don't have wedding coordinator.... We are not using PertCPM chart in monitoring the wedding preparation... Hell! We don't even know what we are missing since this is the first time we are getting married!!

Lately, it's getting into my nerves - we still need to select the wedding ring; we haven't decided yet what the final number of guests is; we are not sure if we are going to have a 6-pair or 4-pair sponsor, we don't have the invitations printed yet since we haven't finalized the list of entourage yet, and many more!

But I find it exciting (though my partner would say otherwise) that we are doing the preparation ourselves, albeit slowly. But it's fun and proud to say that we are preparing our very own first wedding!!